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Sea and Sunset Pension
Corea del Sud
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!, Wi-Fi nelle aree pubbliche
Dove dormirai
49 m²
Guest Room with Sea View
59 m²
Wood House
4 single beds
49 m²
Ocean Room
4 single beds
49 m²
Guest Room (Sunset)
49 m²
SunSet Room
1 double bed
Noeul-dong (2F) (Unshared House, Ocean view)
Bada-Dong (1F) (Unshared house, ocean view) (Check-in 14:00)
Noeul-dong (2F) (Unshared House, Ocean view)
Noeul-Dong (2F) (Unshared house, ocean view) (Check-in 14:00)
Pyeonbaek-Dong (Unshared house) (Check-in 14:00)
Sea and Sunset Pension
Namhae-gun, Corea del Sud
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